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Liturgical Ministries

When we gather for Mass, we gather as community. Many people are required to make our liturgies truly fulfilling. If you are interested in learning more about any of these, or would like to get involved, please email.

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      Altar Servers

A team of children and teens who serve the Lord and the congregation by assisting the pastor at each Mass in ways that include carrying the processional cross, the candles, ringing the bells and preparing the altar during the offertory.



      Cantors & Musicians

A group of dedicated parishioners who lead the congregation into full, active, conscious participation in the liturgy through music.



      Communion Ministers

Members of the parish who are chosen by the pastor and accepted by the Archbishop, then trained to administer the Body and Blood of Christ to the congregation as well as to the sick and shut-ins.




Proclaiming God’s Word serves to help all parishioners come to know God more intimately, but also to develop a personal love and respect for the spoken word. Lectors are responsible for reading the First and Second readings at Mass, as well as the Prayer of the Faithful.



      Ministers of Hospitality

These members of the parish provide a welcoming atmosphere to the congregation arriving for Mass. Ushers also ensure seating for all members of the congregations, as well as ensuring proper temperature, lighting, and general comfort. Ushers are responsible for the collection and safety of the monetary Mass offering.


1629 Pembina Hwy
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Canada R3T 2G6


Tel: (204) 453-0933
Email Us
Fax: (204) 475-6835




Monday – Friday
8:00AM – 12:00 Noon
& 1:00PM – 4:00PM




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© 2017 St. Vital Parish. All Rights Reserved.

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